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[codecanyon] Woot - WooCommerce Products Tables

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем Организатор, 30 дек 2021.

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  1. 30 дек 2021
    Организатор Организатор
    [codecanyon] Woot - WooCommerce Products Tables

    Плагин от отличного автора, не нуждающегося в рекомендациях!
    Вывод товаров в виде таблицы с огромным количеством поддерживаемых полей.
    Обязательно посмотрите демо!

    WOOT-WooCommerce Active Products Tables-плагин WooCommerce для отображения товаров магазина в табличном формате. Таблицы делают акцент для ваших покупателей на том, что они хотят получить, ничего лишнего, только то, что хочет клиент, и полное внимание к тому, что предлагается!

    Вы, как владелец магазина, можете увеличить преимущества своего бизнес-сайта, предоставляя своим клиентам структурированную информацию с помощью отзывчивых, красивых продуктов и отличных активных таблиц. Обувь, запчасти для автомобилей, электронные товары, продукты питания, медиа-контент, цифровой контент, посуда, вино, реферальные товары и т. д. – все это может быть представлено клиентам более структурированным и целенаправленным образом. За кадром администратор сайта обладает большой и мощной функциональностью с большим количеством гибких возможностей.

    Одна из основных фишек в том, что
    WOOT имеет свой собственный API, который позволяет расширить функциональность плагина, например добавить пользовательские столбцы. Использование таблиц продуктов на вашем сайте магазина woocommerce увеличивает конверсию!


    Преимущества плагина (англ)

      • ✅ Columns constructor
      • ✅ Options for: columns customizations, thumbnail size, columns width and many more (screens below)
      • ✅ Neat shortcode [woot] with heap of attributes for flexibility
      • ✅ Powerful product filter constructor
      • Big variety of filter elements by: price, title, content, excerpt, SKU, attributes, taxonomy, meta fields, in stock, on sale, width, height, length, weight, etc…
      • ✅ Filters can be represented as: dropdown, multi drop-down, range sliders, textinput, calendars, switcher
      • ✅ Predefinition mechanism: show to your customers predefined and relevant set of products as in the table, so in the popup.
      • ✅ 25 ways of the products sorting
      • ✅ Power feature as remote tables which gives ability to spread your shop products to any another sites even created on pure HTML without any CMS, what allows you get more sells and also realize your own referral program
      • ✅ Column “Gallery” – smooth CSS gallery to showcase the best of your products. Also a product gallery can be represented by shortcode [woot gallery]
      • ✅ Shortcode [woot_cart] allows to create custom cart page
      • ✅ Shortcode [woot_reviews] allows to show the table with reviews for the current product on its single page or any another one
      • ✅ Shortcode [woot_cross_sells] allows to show the table with cross sell products for the current product on its single page or any another one
      • ✅ Shortcode [woot_upsells] allows to show the table with upsell products for the current product on its single page or any another one
      • ✅ Shortcode [woot_variations] allows to show the table with variations products for the current product on its single page or any another one
      • ✅ Shortcode [woot_related] allows to show the table with related products for the current product on its single page or any another one
      • ✅ Shortcode [woot_attachments] allows to show the table with product attachment for the current product on its single page or any another one
      • ✅ Shortcode [woot_favourites] allows to show the table with selected products by the current user
      • ✅ Shortcode [woot_compare] allows to show the table with selected compared products by the current user or predefined by shop admin
      • ✅ Shortcode [woot_single] allows to show the table with a product parameters for any one selected ones
      • ✅ Extension “Favourites” – let your customers collect the products in one click
      • ✅ Extension “Compare” – let your customers compare the products before they buy them
      • ✅ Extension “Attachments” – demonstrate your customers the products examples as media files, or any specific documentation files. Handy tables with the product attachments on its backend plus good API
      • ✅ Ability to use “Load More” button instead of pagination
      • ✅ Ability to show multi vendors their products using attribute param author: [woot author=23]
      • ✅ Responsivity: all the products tables have an option for compact view on mobile devices!
      • ✅ Big and flexible set of options for each product table, some of them: Hide added in cart products, Show cart, Show Sorting Dropdown, Sorting Dropdown Fields, Compact view width, Use load more button, Hide filter form, Show print button, Default order by, Per page drop-down position, Per page drop-down position, Per page values, Per page default
      • ✅ Set of options for each product column, some basic: Width, Font size, Font family, Color, Background, Hide on small screen
      • ✅ Ability to add meta fields data in the table columns using in-built constructor
      • ✅ In-built shopping cart on top of the tables, which also presented as shortcode and can be pasted on the site pages
      • ✅ Print button
      • ✅ Possibility to add to cart many products in one click
      • ✅ Mobile compact view option
      • ✅ Option to hide added to cart products
      • ✅ CSS editor
      • ✅ Pagination
      • ✅ WPML compatible
      • ✅ WOOT shortcodes works in Elementor and Page builder page content
      • ✅ no jQuery – 100% pure JavaScript
      • ✅ Strong technical support which each day works with tones of code!
    Поддерживаемые WOOCOMMERCE поля
    • ID
    • Thumbnail
    • Title
    • Description
    • Short Description
    • Slug
    • Product Category
    • Product Tags
    • SKU
    • Price
    • Regular price
    • Sale price
    • Sale time from
    • Sale time to
    • Manage stock
    • Stock quantity
    • Stock status
    • Sold individually
    • Product Status
    • On sale
    • Gallery
    • Status
    • Featured
    • Downloadable
    • Tax status
    • Tax class
    • Weight
    • Length
    • Width
    • Height
    • Sold individually
    • Featured
    • Attribute visibility
    • Shipping class
    • Tax status
    • Upsells
    • Cross-sells
    • Grouped products
    • Variations
    • Author
    • Total sales
    • Review count
    • Average rating
    • Comment count
    • Product type
    • Date Published
    • Date Modified

    30 дек 2021