
[3ddd] Ceiling Ventilation 2 - 3dsMax 2011 + obj (Vray+Corona, Dubas)

Тема в разделе "Шаблоны и темы", создана пользователем enot, 12 июн 2020.

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  1. 12 июн 2020
    enot Организатор
    [3ddd] Ceiling Ventilation 2 - 3dsMax 2011 + obj (Vray+Corona, Dubas)

    [3ddd] Ceiling Ventilation 2 - 3dsMax 2011 + obj (Vray+Corona) (Dubas)

    - Without smoothing
    - Does not include lightning and cameras

    - All objects, textures and materials have their own names
    - Scene objects are organized by groups
    - Doesn't have third-party renderer or plug-ins
    - Doesn't have missing DLL
    - Doesn't have default names

    - Max 2011 - V-Ray 3.4
    - Max 2011 - Corona 1.7
    - OBJ

    If you use V-Ray 3.0 and less, pay attention to that,
    in materials in the chapter BRDF Microfaset GTR ( GGX ) is applied,
    If you use V-Ray 3.1 and more, the field will be empty.
    Select Blinn, Phong or Ward.

    Ceiling Ventilation 2.jpeg [399k 544]
    Ceiling_Ventilation_11_Max_2011_Corona.max [99m 663k 872]
    Ceiling_Ventilation_11_Max_2011_Vray.max [100m 93k 952]
    Ceiling_Ventilation_11_OBJ.mtl [1k 982]
    Ceiling_Ventilation_11_OBJ.obj [140m 844k 511]

    Metal_Diffuse.jpg [858k 382]
    Metal_Glossiness.jpg [2m 593k 490]
    Metal_Normal.jpg [6m 822k 448]
    Metal_Specular.jpg [2m 655k 972]
    Plastic_Damaged_Diffuse.jpg [109k 437]
    Plastic_Damaged_Glossiness.jpg [109k 462]
    Plastic_Damaged_Normal.jpg [438k 748]
    Plastic_Damaged_Specular.jpg [109k 418]
    Plastic_Diffuse.jpg [233k 315]
    Plastic_Glossiness.jpg [1m 119k 143]
    Plastic_Normal.jpg [2m 621k 959]
    Plastic_Specular.jpg [592k 497]
    Plastic_Spot_Diffuse.jpg [514k 388]
    Plastic_Spot_Glossiness.jpg [1m 440k 841]
    Plastic_Spot_Normal.jpg [953k 538]
    Plastic_Spot_Opacity.jpg [348k 643]
    Plastic_Spot_Specular.jpg [1m 663k 387]

    12 июн 2020